About FIFA 15 player model modification method is introduced

Fifa Coins some players for the players career mode it is not clear how to modify, modify about the player career mode, the ability of seven changes.

First, create a character. This role do not modify any item properties. For example, I created is a striker (column) into the game after the positive, movement and free kick down seven attribute values. To exit.

Second, create a character, also do not need to be modified, but to change the role of location, such as the second role I create is a midfielder, into the game and then write down seven attribute values. To exit.

Third, create a role, FIFA 15 XBOX ONE COINS need with CE modified, for example, the ball is, the address is 7605286 so we know all the properties of address is the beginning of 76, just behind the search such as free kick is 44, then change the position of the role, again at the beginning of CE 76 above address, so you can see a free-kick numerical changes have 58. At the back of the and so on.