Blog de yiwumarket

Yiwu Market Futures finished lower

Yesterday Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 main 1508 contract gapped higher volatility fell slightly in early trading after the afternoon ascribed to fall again after 3850 line. At the close, IF1508 contract reported 3766.8 points, compared with the previous settlement price fell 10.6 points, or 0.28%, Yiwu market turnover increased to 1.895 million 409 thousand hand hand, hand positions to increase 4252 to 64000 hands. SSE 50 and the CSI 500 also finished lower trend, the SSE 50 performance was slightly weaker.

Yiwu market cross-border electricity supplier blueprint

"From the end of last year, Amazon had a clear blueprint for Yiwu, the Amazon, the idea is very simple, it is a further out." Amazon China vice president, general manager of global business unit shop David Yeh believes that Yiwu Hotels has a traditional trade advantages, electricity supplier atmosphere, very strong sense of entrepreneurship and innovation, is blessed cross-border electricity supplier development as a support to these inherent advantages, Amazon painted on cross-border electricity supplier in Yiwu development blueprint.

Yiwu Market National electricity consumption growth rebounded hair

According to the National Grid Express data, August 1 to 28, the National Development electricity 463.349 billion kwh, an increase of 2.97%, growth picked up 6.54 percentage points from a year earlier, the growth rate picked up more than 4.97 percentage point in July. From the current power running trend, Yiwu market the country is expected to send electricity in August rose 3% in September is expected to continue to grow.

Yiwu Market RMB exchange rate adjustment limited impact on trade

The recent depreciation of the US dollar against the yuan central parity against the Ministry of Commerce spokesman issued a statement a few days ago pointed out that the normal case of the RMB exchange rate adjustment, limited impact on foreign trade.The spokesman pointed out that, since the end of last year, the central parity of RMB against the US dollar spot exchange rate between the market and the emergence of large deviations. yiwu city This will improve the RMB exchange rate mechanism quotes, disposable corrected this error.

Yiwu Market Grape Street

Yesterday, reporters along the Dover Road, heading towards the temple, about the king footpath entrance to the village two sides each have a share of the grapes. One of grapes with a red awning booth barricaded, Yiwu Futian Market Tanqian bristling red sign that read "Fu House grapes", and lists the name of five or six different grapes.

Yiwu Market Today is National Love Teeth Day

Today is National Love Teeth Day, Love Teeth Day theme this year is "healthy every day, starting from the Love Teeth." Two days ago a news report said a young man only 19 years old in Hangzhou, but rotten teeth to shocking, was named "national first rotten teeth" Doctor. The reason is because playing small does not love brush your teeth every day, drink and other beverages when these bad habits caused. Such examples, in Yiwu market, too.

Yiwu Market Solar garbage room is not dirty does not stink

The advantages of solar energy storage chamber very much, one of the most notable is little impact on the environment, intuitive feeling is not dirty nor smelly. Lang Wucun next solar garbage room, the reporter did not smell the odor, but rather fragrant osmanthus trees.Dachen create Office Director Lu Gang said, after the adoption of solar energy can be rotting garbage room in situ treatment of organic waste, reducing the amount of trash and garbage removal vehicle frequency.

Yiwu city searching for the most beautiful shopkeeper

2015 China International E-Commerce Expo, brings together the country's micro-business groups from the national electricity provider to show an enormous strength from the mobile terminal. Yesterday, reporters from the China Organizing Committee was informed that the micro - businessmen, Yiwu again sounded the "Derivative assembly", yiwu city Chinese derivative Entrepreneurship Competition (second quarter) selection in Yiwu, Zhejiang division was officially launched.

Yiwu Market Five-word motto for generations

"Father written after home training, often come to educate us, the relationship between brothers and sisters live together afterwards." House said Jiang Feng, 1993, the father's health condition deteriorated, he wrote a will be stored together with the real estate license at the time of construction Board BMS file pocket, Yiwu market his father passed away in 1998, leaving his mother alive.

Yiwu market Strengthening and improvements of school work

"Opinions" that, in recent years, the school has made great progress aesthetic, to improve students' aesthetic and cultural literacy, promote the overall development of students played an important role.

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