Yiwu city searching for the most beautiful shopkeeper

2015 China International E-Commerce Expo, brings together the country's micro-business groups from the national electricity provider to show an enormous strength from the mobile terminal. Yesterday, reporters from the China Organizing Committee was informed that the micro - businessmen, Yiwu again sounded the "Derivative assembly", yiwu city Chinese derivative Entrepreneurship Competition (second quarter) selection in Yiwu, Zhejiang division was officially launched. The contest will be "the most beautiful show business owner O2O" as the theme, the city in search of the most beautiful derivative owner.

Competition Organizing Committee, said China's first derivative Entrepreneurship Competition has achieved good results, and cultivate more than 10,000 micro-providers and business mentor 136 people, in the entrepreneurship competition platform successfully hatched a derivative of the first Chinese brand "Korea bundle "sales month peak as high as 300 million yuan. By screening and foster entrepreneurship competition, the emergence of a group such as "Jane chick" as their own businesses derivative of people, and a butterfly, practicing the first domestic brand nest desserts, are given the grand capital of 80 million dollar market valuation. Organizing Committee of Statistics, at present, entrepreneurial micro business groups has about Qi Cheng for women, which after 85 Derivative accounted for 82.3% of female entrepreneurs are already moving end of the main business groups. Yiwu Futian Market According to research, this part of the population there is understanding of the project, lack of ability to predict, brand selection, e-commerce business model, lack of capacity capital mode of operation and other issues, so many entrepreneurs have venture into the bottleneck, it is difficult to achieve rapid development.

To further break the difficulty women Derivative existing guide derivative of sustainable entrepreneurship, brand development, the organizing committee will contest theme locked into derivative female owner, who by exploiting their entrepreneurial story, in the form of show business O2O to stimulate more entrepreneurial drive and creative energy. According to reports, this competition is divided into registration, preliminaries and finals stages, players can create the public by focusing on derivative love Yiwu, purse or Chinese Derivative Entrepreneurship Competition (second quarter) Public No. submit application materials. Yiwu market After registration approved, participants will show information on derivative public a public micro-channel number, and into the public voting session. Fixtures will continue until the end of December, and ultimately decide the winner of the most popular awards, the most investment value, Best Business Model Award, the most brand force, Best Team Award and other awards.