Cost to Install Wood Decking

Homewyse cost estimates are "ballpark" ranges for basic work performed in normal, serviceable conditions. The estimates should only be used for preliminary planning. Homewyse estimates flooring ideas for a screened in porchesare NOT substitutes for firm quotes from qualified vendors. Homewyse strongly recommends that you contact reputable professionals for an accurate assessment of work required and costs for your project - before making any decisions or commitments.
The cost estimate includes:Costs for local material / equipment delivery to and service provider transportation to and from the job site.Costs to prepare the worksite for installing tongue and groove porch flooring Wood Decking Installation, including costs to protect existing structure(s), finishes, materials and components.Costs for jobcleanup and debris removal at project completion.Labor setup time, mobilization time and minimum hourly charges that are commonly included for small Wood Decking Installation jobs.The cost estimate does not include Unless explicitly noted in the description of work, this Wood Decking Installation estimate does NOT include costs for relocating, repairing, modifying or enhancing existing structural, HVAC, electrical, ventilation and plumbing systems - or bringing those systems into outdoor terrace flooring compliance with current building codes.General contractor overhead and markup for organizing and supervising the Wood Decking Installation. Add 11% to 19% to the total cost above if a general contractor will supervise this project.Sales tax on materials and supplies.Permit or inspection fees (or portion thereof) required by your local building department for your overall project.