Warlords of Draenor

You might think this personality name reclamation is a sly way for www.rsgpfast.com Blizzard to motivate players to return to World of World of warcraft (subscriber numbers are down, after all), but it's more about enabling new and coming back players to choose from a broader selection of headings, the organization says.

"Our goal with this excellent name freedom is to make sure new and coming back players have a huge and different share of headings available to choose from," the organization creates. "So log in now if you wish to protect your rarely used characters' headings for your journey release Draenor."

Warlords of Draenor produces Nov 13 for PC. It is the MMO's fifth growth, following The Burning Campaign (2007), Anger of the Lich Master (2008), Cataclysm (2010), and Mists of Pandaria (2012).