FIFA 15 servers and FUT 15 coins

We can not count how many times that FIFA 15 servers down in the previous month. It seems that after a certain time, the FIFA 15 servers or FUT would down for a while. And every time, we don’t know the reason why it is crashed for sure. We just sitting there and waiting for EA’s solvement.

However, the situation isn’t entirely clear, but problems with FIFA 15 coinsonline started early on Feb 3 and continued throughout the day for many players. It is clear EA servers are not available for thousands right now.

Gamers are searching to see if official FUT 15 aliment is demography abode for PlayStation 3, PS4 , Xbox and PC platforms. We accept managed to get online with FIFA 15 in the UK, although the EA FC server is down for abounding beyond the globe.

One of the players said, “ FIFA 15 will not let me online and I cannnot see any maintenance news, or problems listed on the official EA Sports Twitter account”. Another added, “ The EA server status shows no problems with FIFA 15 or the FUT app.”

Just few hours later, EA confirmed they are experiencing problems with FUT and they are working to resolve the connectivity issue. It is also clear the issues are impacting FIFA 15 and FUT web app on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.