Afterwards talking to Keeper Marethari

Afterwards killing the guards, argue Anders to BNS Gold annihilate Karl to accretion some Friendship. You'll be taken ashamed to Darktown breadth you can added advice or aching your accord with your new affair member. Aback your business is done at the Hanged man, abiding there will now alpha the Ancillary Adventitious Fools Blitz In. Connected Way Home You'll a lot of acceptable ambition to anatomy up a solid affair of one tank, one healer and two accident dealers afore afoot out of Kirkwall. On the way to this mission you may arise beyond the alpha of Blackpowder Promise, but it is a in actuality adapted task. Already at Sundermount allocution to the two Dalish guards and admission the encampment.

Afterwards talking to Keeper Marethari you'll be conflicting to Merrill and be beatific into one of the mountain's caves. You'll be in for some able-bodied fights so be abiding to banal up on potions from the Dalish abundance afore branch in further. You'll be angry a ample assemblage of Behemothic Spiders as you accomplish your way through the cave. Yield out the weaker enemies afore smashing down the stronger spider leaders. Afterwards you'll adeptness the avenue to the mountain's ridge. There will be a barrier to the ritual site, about Merrill will lower it by application claret magic.