Maintenance Assistant

Wood floor coverings often need to take care of maintenance, we can keep the floor timeless, wooden floors once stained stains but also to be handled with care, in fact, some common household items can skillfully deal with floor stains, remember these decontamination coup, floor Easy care and worry!
Daily necessities clever addition to floor stains
Salad oil, milk and tea
When wiping the floor, in water and add a few drops of salad oil, make the floor very bright. Or with sour milk, add a little vinegar, not only decontamination, but also to rub very bright. In addition, dirt paint on the floor, can wipe tea juice. With burnt briquette ash wipe stains on the kitchen floor, then sprinkle vinegar on the mop to wipe the floor, it is easy to remove stains.Marine Teak Synthetic Philippines
Concentrated alkaline
There are traces of oil grease and the like on the floor, can be boiled concentrated aqueous cleaning stone base, then covered with a synthetic bleaching earth and water dough on the stain, then wash and maintain a night, can be repeated if necessary.
Egg traces left on the floor, you can sprinkle some salt in the egg sticking point, over 10-15 minutes later discredited, it is easy to remove trace eggs on the floor.
The rest of the candle burning accumulates, when collecting a certain number, the minced remove the wick, saying the amount added in the same amount of turpentine wax, placed in cold water pot containing boiling watertight, so candles melted, stir into the pot cool reserve. In order to clean the floor easily and effort, before using floor wax can be a little hot.
Self-made lotion
Add soft soap, fuller's earth, soda in a large pot and 2270 ml each 450 grams of water are mixed thoroughly and boil them and boil half its original volume, then cooled and stored in the tank in the back. With a stiff brush dipped in this liquid brushing stain on the floor, usually along the lines of the floor brush, then rinsed with hot water and dried. specification of wood plastic composite wall panel
Tape and cleaner: very dangerous shards of glass scattered everywhere. If the naked eye can see, with regard to the adhesive tape stick together; if into powder, cotton wet should pick up, or sprinkle some rice, which is glued together, and then to pick up the vacuum cleaner. On the glass blocks can also be spread on the floor by rubbing wet bar of soap, glass crumbs will stick to the soap bar, to keep it then scraped until clearance is to build surround for swim spa