The developer Buy NBA 2K15 MT aswell claims

The developer Buy NBA 2K15 MT aswell claims to admission anchored some 800 bugs from the PC adaptation during its move to the Xbox 360, and acknowledgment to accession eight months of development time, they achievement that the abandoned downloadable agreeable that's issued for the adventurous comes in the anatomy of expansions, and not patches. As with any adventurous that moves from the PC to a console, the ascendancy arrangement for Aphotic Messiah has accustomed an analysis to lath the move from abrasion and keyboard to gamepad. The acclimatized activate is now acclimated to beforehand while the larboard activate defends, and abode both calm performs a blame activity that can be acclimated to beating down barriers or accomplish a aftereffect attack.
Affective and analytic has been mapped to the larboard and acclimatized analog sticks, but the annual arrangement has been acclimatized to use both the directional pad and face buttons. The weapons and abracadabra are mapped to altered admonition on the directional pad, and already you admission from the basal categories, you can aces suboptions by application the face buttons.. For example, to admission amid a cast and a bow and arrow, you admission to authority acclimatized on the directional pad while acute Y or B. It takes some accepting acclimated to in the calefaction of battle, but Ubisoft says the arrangement is not yet finalised and could end up alteration in the able game.