Samsung Galaxy S III (S3) Triband White (Fortify Mobile)

Call Quality/Network

No problems whatsoever with texting or calling, I always seem to have a signal and 3G service that isn't drastically slow. The 3G is fine, but I'm still excited for 4GLTE coming to my city this year. The call quality was great, there's a feature that amplifies the voice volume. Other people were clear to me, and I was clear to them. No issues.


You get approximately 11GB usable internal memory out of the 16GB capacity. Fine with me. Evo only gave me 1GB usable space out of the 4GB capacity.


TouchWiz didn't bother me. I actually like it and all the transitions, better than HTC Sense. But that's a personal preference issue.

Bottom Line

So I think I've covered all the essentials people need to know to decide if they should buy the phone. The price, undiscounted, is high, yes, but personally I find the investment well worth it. It'll keep a user satisfied for 1 to 2 years until the Galaxy 7 or whatever comes out. If you need more info on the device, I suggest searching the internet since this is a popular device. Many reviews out