And tasty of smoothie recipes for weight loss

And tasty of smoothie recipes for weight loss

By the way a few calorie-saving a? This is sometimes easier than you think. And tasty one at that! Healthy chips, thin ice, smart drinks: Four light summer alternatives smoothie recipes for weight loss for the slim line come here!

Zucchini instead of pasta
This is the finest low carb: who eats carbs only in bulk, must nevertheless not "Pastas" renounce. Because instead of noodles you can use also the zucchini (20 kcal and only 2 g carbohydrates per 100 g). Just with the peeler longitudinal cut in fine strips and then briefly (approx. 2 minutes) in boiling water Cook vegetables pasta and cold deter. This includes a fresh tomato sauce - and the light pasta dish is ready.

Frozen yogurt instead of ice cream
At 30 degrees in the shade even the most disciplined among us can not sometimes the temptation ice. Summer refreshment goes but also lighter than with crunchy cups and spaghetti ice cream: A 100 gram serving frozen yogurt (frosted skimmed milk yoghurt) contains just 50 calories apple cider vinegar weight loss. For comparison, the same amount of chocolate ice cream beats with 240 kilo calories to beech. Caution it is called only when the part containing calorie toppings. If you choose fresh fruits, leaves the easiest!

Kale chips instead of potato chips
Kale (also known as "kale") experienced a real hype already since some time: Green smoothies, fresh salads--without the Dalmatian is none at the moment! And even low-fat chips spare suitable healthy cabbage (contains among other things right lots of vitamin C, vitamin E and calcium and only 37 kilocalories per 100 grams). You can roast the leaves with some olive oil and salt in the oven for delicious chips? How to do the figure-friendly Kale chips themselves, we are betrayed.

Coconut water instead of soft drinks
Soft drinks are unhealthy, that's no secret. Sugar apple cider vinegar weight loss, artificial sweeteners, flavors, coloring - little, not in the art drinks what. Even supposedly healthy Apple spritzers are jazzed up partly with flavors and contain up to eleven sugar cube per bottle. The reported just the magazine Oeko test. Water is and remains the top thirst-quencher for those who pay attention to their character. If you want more flavor, try coconut water: the liquid from the unripe, green coconut is there now in many supermarkets in the Tetrapak. Cooled a great refreshing drink with only 10 kilocalories per 100 milliliters. Coconut water is also isotonic and super is suitable for athletes.