Working principle and Process of Vertical Roller Mill

Motor of Vertical roller mill through reducer drive disc rotates, the material through the air lock feeder from the inlet falls central disc, while the hot air from the inlet into vertical roller mill.
As the disc rotates, the material under the effect of centrifugal force, moving to the edge of the disc, the disc past the annular groove on the roller of quarry crusher by rolling and crushing, the material crushed by the wind at the edge of the ring disc with high-speed air from large particles fall directly on the disc re-grinding, the material flow through the upper part of the separator, the role in the rotation of the rotor, meal bucket fell from the cone disc re-grinding, qualified powder together with the air out of grinding, through close dust collecting device, namely products, materials containing water in contact with the hot air in the process of being dried, by adjusting the air temperature, the humidity of materials to meet different requirements, to achieve the required product water. By adjusting the separator, can reach the desired fineness of different products.
Vertical roller mill conditioning tower and filter according to the location, there are two different layout scheme, namely three fan system and dual fan system. Vertical roller mill was collected using a cyclone dust collector. This arrangement can reduce the operating vacuum system and the amount of gas through the precipitator. Electric dust collector can also be used as a final bag filter dust removal equipment; dust collection equipment can be used in electrostatic precipitator or bag filter, the grinding of the gas directly into the dust collector, the system reduces the number of equipment units simplify the system configuration.