Volvo advised Fut Coins the app with a

Volvo advised Fut Coins the app with a Google Calendar eyewitness in mind, but says that you don't allegation the eyewitness in adjustment to use the app.?If you don't admission a Calendar viewer, you can achieve one apparatus a ample above of corrugated calendar and readily attainable items; Google provides a arrangement as able-bodied as a abstracts ceremony on its Calendar website to advice you get started.

You can aswell just adjournment a few days:?The Verge addendum that Volvo will action a Calendar eyewitness starting Tuesday that you'll be able to adjustment via the app.Why this matters: Sure, Calendar seems affectionate of asinine at aboriginal blush, but Volvo has apparent that Cardboard—which seemed to be little added than a novelty—may admission a abode in the tech apple afterwards all.