Clean the floor small coup

First: salad oil, milk and tea magical, when wiping the floor, in the water and add a few drops of salad oil, the floor can be very bright. Or with sour milk, add a little vinegar, not only decontamination, but also to rub very bright. Further, the dirt on the floor paint, available tea juice wipe. Wipe with a burnt briquette ash stains on the kitchen floor, and then sprinkle a little vinegar in the mop to wipe the floor, it is easy to get rid of stains.
Second: concentrated alkaline degreasing, oil stains like grease on the floor, can be boiled concentrated aqueous cleaning stone base, then covered with bleach stains on earth and hot synthesis of dough, and keep a night and then wash, may be repeated if necessary.
Third: salt to egg stains, leaving traces on the floor eggs, sprinkle some salt in the egg can stick at, over 10-15 minutes after the sweeping, it is easy to remove trace eggs on the floor.
Fourth: Tape and cleaner to remove glass fragments, shards of glass littered the floor is very dangerous. If the naked eye can see, it is starting to stick adhesive tape; if into a powder, wet cotton should pick up, or sprinkle some rice, which is glued together, and then to pick up the vacuum cleaner. Spread on the glass floor of the block can also be used by rubbing wet soap, glass crumbs will stick to the soap block, to keep it then scraped until it clears its conclusion.
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