Five Tips to Prevent the Drilling Fluid Unlanding

In recently, environmental protection is a basic state policy in China, and it has been a strategic mission and goal for our country to maintain a sustainable development of society, economy and environment. Along with the continuous improvement of environmental laws and the increasing environmental awareness among people, the departments concerned have successively enacted various environmental protection regulations to impose stringent limitations on drilling waste discharge during well drilling and well completion.

1. Reuse the rain water. The reason why the rain water can be used in drilling mud is that the rain water can be used to clean drilling units. Cleaning water (similar with rain water) should be used by times till it loses its function of cleaning water.

2. Usually, high pressure with small size cleaning units are popular, because this kind of cleaning unit is good at processing low volume. If it’s with low cost. Generally, vacuum device and cleaning units are necessary to install in the solids control and controlled above descripted can be cost-effective.

3. Waste water can be used to clean the panel. Desander and filters produced much wasted drilling mud which is favorable to clean the drilling mud tank. Also, shake shaker panel and decanter centrifuge still need cleaning. Generally, cleaning water is not necessary to purified, because it’s not necessary to clean abandoned solids phase and liquid account from the reason that abandoned solids phase and liquid are not so easy to be separated.

4. Single stage system. Such as cooling water discharge, brake water discharge as well as seal water discharge which are all processed in closed system with low cost.

5. Reduce the factors producing wasted drilling mud. Account from the expensive processing cost of sewage processing, most of the manufacturers would rather adopt the vacuum device than use the cleaning fluids. It is a good practice to use mud gun controller with flexible tube. When the flexible tube moves downwards, the joint parts would shut while not all the parts are collected all the time.

Most domestic oilfields have been directly solidifying the waste in sewage pits after well drilling and well completion. When the waste in sewage pits falls into clear liquid and sludge by natural sedimentation under the effect of gravity, drain the upper clear liquid less than 1/3 of the total, and then directly add curing agent into the remaining sludge for solidification. Since the waste to be disposed contains much water and consumes lots of chemical agents, the solution costs much, achieves unsatisfactory results and fails to completely eliminate pollution risks.