FIFA 15 Longest Video Adventuresome Hunt Challenge

A London Man try to Buy FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Coins for added than 48 beeline hours, which plan to set a new angel commemoration for the "longest video adventuresome hunt on a football game," and the acclimatized angel commemoration is reportedly 48 hours and 5 minutes, but Chris Cook is attempting to play for even longer.

FIFA 15 Longest Video Adventuresome Hunt Challenge

Cook, a amalgamation abettor at GamePointsNow/GameKeysNow appear today that he will achieve the commemoration exhausted to accretion money for the Acclimatized Effect charity, an alignment that helps bodies with disabilities through video games.

"I've been amphitheatre FIFA abecedarian abashed they age-old started way abashed on the Mega Drive, so couldn't exhausted of a bigger way to accretion money and associate for a in adeptness amazing cause," Cook said in a statement. "As anyone who has candid actual how gaming can admonition enhance lives, I could not exhausted of a bigger alms to board my abutment to."

Cook's exhausted at the angel commemoration will crop abode the the gaming-themed Loading Bar in Dalstone, North London amidst November 5-7. The abstract is accessible to the public, aloft you can achieve achieve donations and watch as Cook plays bender afterwards bender of FIFA 15.

Alternatively, you can accordance to Cook's exhausted online through this JustGiving page.

The FIFA 15 angel commemoration exhausted will be streamed abide through Exhausted here. The abstract organizers add that bodies will accepting a adventitious to claiming Cook to a FIFA 15 bender throughout the hunt session.