How to select and identify good and bad plate

Plates of different quality are very different, their prices are quite different. Selection of the plate should be chosen according to their different types of plate decoration grade, use, decor and so on. Plate mainly carpentry, particle board, finger-board, Plywood, MDF, particle board ADB, what the advantages and disadvantages of these plates? The majority of owners and friends should be how to select and identify the quality of the plate? Follow Xiaobian choose a look at the knowledge of the plate. Select the sheet and plate of knowledgeTongue and groove outdoor wood decking
First, the board's classification: Material classification can be divided into: wood panels, plywood into two categories. At present, in addition to the floor and the doors will use wood panels, in general, we use artificial plates are processed out of plywood. By forming classification can be divided into: solid board, plywood, fiberboard, decoration panel, waterproof board and so on.Cost of wood-plastic porch and deck flooring
Second, the choice does not look green sheet in accordance with environmental protection since January 1 this year, implementation of the "interior decoration materials, plywood and finished in limited release formaldehyde" to provide, directly used for indoor formaldehyde emission of certain building materials is less than or equal to 1.5 milligrams per liter, if the formaldehyde emission is less than or equal to 5 milligrams per liter, after the necessary processing can be used for interior finishes, formaldehyde emission exceed 5 mg per liter is the sub-standard. The failure of the timber to take home to a new home as a poison gas made Tim angry, we must look to buy building materials and environmental protection are not environmentally friendly. Blockboard "Daixinban": moisture effect, not directly in the middle of painting blockboard core is made of natural wood adhesive, glue thin veneer on both sides, as the name suggests Daixinban is decoration one of the most important materials. You can make furniture and wooden doors and door pocket bag, heating cover, pelmet, with its waterproof function better than particleboard and MDF.Cheap deck flooring ideas