KOSUN Comprehensive System of Drilling Waste Treatment Project

During drilling, the Branch KOSUN Machinery Manufacturing mud solids control system will be directly connected to the mud pump outlet for discharge of mud after four solid control treatment, which can effectively maximize the recovery of mud and minimize emissions of waste. Such effective recycling at the source of the mud, reducing waste emissions.

After the treated slurry solids control equipment can be used directly discharged waste after dehydration, can be transported directly to the propeller efficient drying screen and stereo cuttings dryers again solid-liquid separation. From out of the water purification device can be used again. After drying screen and stereo efficient cuttings dryers treated waste residue has been very dry, these things can be cured, biodegradation, thermal desorption, cuttings re-injection and other means of final disposition. Ultimately achieve zero emissions treatment.

Compared with the previous two programs, this program appears on the source of drilling waste disposal has begun, reducing waste emissions and improve efficiency, but also saves a lot of drilling costs. Meanwhile, in the re-processing of waste, take advantage of the dewatering program, not only effective recycling of water resources, but also reduce emissions of waste water content, reducing the volume of waste, effective protection of the environment. The last remnants of solid waste, and by curing, thermal desorption, cuttings re-injection technology to achieve the purpose of effectively zero waste emissions. Land use in curing processing, cuttings reinjection also meet the actual needs of the drilling site in the ocean, more practical and efficient.

KOSUN is capable of providing customers with such three series as oil & gas drilling solids control equipment, decanter centrifuges, shale shaker, mud gun, mud agitator, vacuum degasser, jet mud mixer, mud cleaner, desander, desilter and drilling waste treatment equipment, including 25 categories of products, which are extensively used in oil & gas drilling and workover, coalbed methane drilling, shale gas drilling, water well, geothermal well drilling, trenchless horizontal directional crossing projects, mine gravel staged treatment, tailings treatment, rive dredging works, industrial wastewater treatment, environmentally friendly sewage treatment, waste oil recovery, purification treatment, etc.