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Philip v to follow France Bourbon, strengthened Royal power, in 1707 between 1716 and has issued a series of total name of "the new basic law" bills, Castile region's political system, the legal system and administrative forms a strong push throughout the country, repealed all except alangu system, Hou Wang, the nobility of the Kingdom of Aragon territory autonomy. Announced on July 29, 1707 abolished existing legislative and administrative system of the Kingdom of deprived vassal power on April 3, 1711, and set up in Zaragoza "Royal justice" managing local affairs, actually the end of the Kingdom of Aragon autonomous status on September 11, 1714, and officially in Catalonia as Spain a province of the Kingdom. This during, Castile language (that Spain language) was specifies for official language, Catalan de Catalunya language was disabled, lineage hundreds of years of "Catalan de Catalunya flag"--Huang Di with four root cross article of "flag" also became contraband thereafter is long a time, Catalan de Catalunya independent movement was Stern suppressed and disappeared, until 19th century late, late of Spain industrialization process in the, Catalonia go to national of front, became industrial and economic most developed of area, autonomy calls again high.