Combat specializations. Damage dealing in EVE online

However, the main purpose of a damage dealer is piloting heavy vehicles - mostly Battleships, they are the core of the fleet - and to destroy any enemy ships, and first of all of the same type.

Battleships inflict the biggest damage from close and middle range.

Sniper battleships can be described as "made of cardboard". However, this is offset by a significant distance at which the snipers shoot at the enemy: due to the distance they may be invulnerable to enemy electronic warfare support, and main damage dealers, and therefore can shoot continuously. At the same time there is a considerable chance for the snipers to escape alive, if their fleet fails.

A Dreadnought is able to inflict enormous damage. Its main tasks are:
- destruction of enemy POSes;
- destruction of the capital ships of the enemy (there are capital ships, that do not cause damage, but can change the whole fight in favor of their fleet ), including the Titans;
Training for dreadnoughts is long and expensive, so good capital ship pilots are rare and in high demand in corporations and alliances.
Nevertheless, a lone dreadnought without a fleet around is a dead dreadnought and a desired prey for the enemy.

Titans are Unique damage dealers, which can use in the most serious weapon of mass destruction in Eve - "doomsday".
However, today titans are not only and even not really a damage dealing ships. The modules, which titans can fit and use, increase net power and protection of the entire fleet, as well as add special features, such as that titans can generate a portal through which the allied fleet pass into another system without using a conventional gate.
Titans are extremely expensive ships, while requiring an extremely long and costly training. The destruction of a titan is an event that appears in the news on the main screen of the game client and on the official web-site.

Ships of damage dealers: Battlecruisers, Battleships, Heavy Assault ships, Command ships, Dreadnoughts, Titans.

NB: Newbie pilots wishing to become damage dealers should first train turret guns, instead of missile laucnhers.
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