Maintain pebbles Sand making machine

Users expect bent Sand making machine pebbles have normal operating results, may often tend to backfire, though they pay a lot of effort, but the results may not be able to make their own satisfaction.
Sand making machine is not good cause there are many, such as poor quality, but this is not the only possibility. If we can find the strength of relatively strong, and there is a high degree of responsibility, so do not worry about the quality of many manufacturers in the Sand making machine. Below it, to maintain a good user pebble Sand making machine sand effect on teaching methods.
First, to ensure that we have the absolute Sand making machine purchases to good quality;
Second, there is a reasonable configuration of the production process, in line with the actual needs of users;
Third, the raw material supply must be adequate and timely;
Fourth, good equipment maintenance, including lubrication and timely replacement of wearing parts;
Fifth, the correct Sand making machine operating skills.
Sand making machine is not much use pebbles difficult thing, but we need to become familiar with this device structure and performance, and lessons learned in daily use at work