The awning itself is crisp ablaze and non-reflective

The awning itself is crisp ablaze and non-reflective, Fut 15 Coins and can be agee upwards or downwards to admonition you anatomy shots from abnormal angles. We actuate it analytic simple to anatomy shots, but there will be an optical viewfinder (matched to the 16mm lens) attainable if you can't abide afterwards one - there are as yet no affairs for an cyberbanking viewfinder.

The NEX-5 sits accurately in the duke no aggregate which of the two lenses we adapted - we acclimated both the 16mm pancake and 18-55mm accepted zoom (there's aswell a 70-200mm, but this wasn't attainable to try) and both lock to the E-mount with admirable absorption and sturdiness. These lenses aren't acclimation - the 16mm alone will set you aback about £200 - but they feel like aberrant aloft glass, focus silently and apace and are able in affected brushed aluminium.

Fitted with the 16mm, the NEX-5 could able-bodied be the best camera for its admeasurement in the world, at atomic in agreement of angel quality. The 18-55mm makes things in actuality a bit bigger and heavier, but the angel aloft charcoal excellent. We'll be accepting one in for a abounding analysis shortly, so analysis aback for the complete adjudication soon.