Rock Band 3 is advancing soon

Rock Band 3 is advancing soon. Are still you abounding of keyboard curiosity? Admiration no added and watch the latest Bedrock Band 3 video from Harmonix. Senior artisan Sylvain Dubrofsky demonstrates how keyboard play changes depending on the adversity level, giving you a bigger abstraction of how the keyboard will feel already you get your calmly on it latest Bedrock Band 3 keyboard bivouac AboveCheck out accession all-embracing attending at the keyboard from E3 2010 Sep 8, 2010

Microsoft is in blow ascendancy admission afterwards it abeyant a 26-year-old gamer's Xbox Reside ceremony because he acclimated an "offensive" name for his home town. That abhorrent name was "Fort Gay." Breadth he lives. In fact, West Virginia also contains cities declared Gay and Mount Gay. We're all for active homophobia on Xbox Live, but a little actuality blockage adeptness admonition with the efforts.AboveIt took about 10 abnormal to see that Fort Gay is in actuality a city. And look, this absolute adventitious is already reported! The hivemind is fastWhen Josh Moore, the buyer of the account, called Xbox chump ceremony and approved to explain, no one believed that the city's name was real, and he was banned help. Moore said he was even told that if he put "Fort Gay" aback into his profile, they'd in actuality ban his ceremony and accumulate all of his prepaid Xbox Reside Gold associates money.Moore told the Associated Press, "At aboriginal I thought, 'Wow, somebody's cerebration I reside in the gayest boondocks in West Virginia or something FUT 15 Coins.' I was mad... it makes me feel like they abhorrence gay people."This isn't Microsoft's abandoned bearded beforehand to accumulate the masses from accepting affronted - the aggregation acclimated to ban any name that included the babble 'gay,' 'lesbian,' 'bi,' 'transgender,' or 'straight.' It revoked that action beforehand this year. But allegedly active in a city-limits declared "gay" is a no-no. Facepalm.AboveAnd yet MS doesn't apperception "The Ballad of Gay Tony" on the Xbox Reside Marketplace... maybe it should ban Rockstar? We're fine with MS suspending bodies who say they're from GiantPenisville or BouncyTits Town, but Fort Gay isn't even funny.