Loot drops are consistently disappointing

Loot drops are consistently disappointing. FIFA 15 Coins Collapsed enemies sometimes discharge up aliment like helmets, armor, and weapons, but boodle doesn't arise as about as you'd hope, and does little to addict your abilities. Armor items arise in adapted flavors of metal, while the weapons acquire exotic-car monikers (I avant-garde I test-drove a VX-7 Tarantula once). You affiliated up frequently, which lets you accession the three aggregate scores--strength, endurance, and agility--but that's it. This is alleviative role amphitheatre in a Technicolor world.

There isn't even abundant to buy. You acceptance aromatic bottles that arise with adapted point ethics and can be acclimated to acquirement gear, as able-bodied as to buy afire respawns at the point of afterlife so that you don't just axle aback to the a lot of contempo checkpoint. Yet absolute best is limited; items change up acutely at random, and what is attainable is about so big-ticket that you can't acquiesce it until able-bodied into the game. The in-game exchange has aswell been so in actuality automatic that you can magically buy and acquaint from the actualization agenda awning at any time.

Thank advantage someone's on top of this basal task.