An upcoming paper by Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins a political scientist will claim that in 40 years world conflict will plummet, with thegreatest decrease occurring in the Middle East.
Hvard Hegre, a professor in the department of Political Scienceat the University of Oslo, carried out a series of statisticalanalyses to come to the conclusion, in collaboration with the PeaceResearch Institute Oslo (PRIO). The study reveals that in fiveyears' time India, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Uganda and Burma willbe at the greatest risk of conflict, while in 40 years time it willbe India, Nigeria, Sudan, Ethiopia and Tanzania. The good newsThose conflicts ongoing in 2011, including in Iraq, Libya,Tajikistan, Syria, Senegal, Ivory Coast and Mauritania, will mostlikely be over.
Among other things, this will be attributed to war becomingfinancially pointless (or unfeasible), education increasing, infantmortality decreasing and the world's youth populations becomingsmaller.