Naismith signs Everton extension

Buy fifa 15 coins online Scotland all-embracing advanced Steven Naismith active a three-year addendum with Everton on Wednesday.

Naismith, who abutting Everton from Rangers in 2012, will abide at Goodison Esplanade until 2019.

The 28-year-old has been in acceptable anatomy for Roberto Martinez's ancillary this season, scoring 5 Premier League goals to advice Everton up to 10th in the table.

"I am so blessed here. From the moment I active my aboriginal arrangement actuality it wasn't continued afore I saw what a abundant club it was," Naismith told EvertonTV.

"Over the months and years it has progressed into a absurd move for myself on and off the park. I am captivated to accept agreed an extension, which will accumulate me actuality for a few added years yet.