Drilling Mud Desilter at Home and Abroad

Hydrocyclone desilter is usually set behind desander separator. Desilter is the main class solid control equipment to treat the drilling fluids. According to the size of the cone diameter, they are divided into mud desander and desilter. Usually the cone diameter is less than 6'' is called desilter, and used as the third-control equipment in drilling operation. We commonly used 5 “and 4'' cone to separate solid-phase particle size 15-47 μm in the drilling fluid. Based on customer requirements and capacity, we can select groups of cone into desilter.

China’s Desilter Performance
Recent years have seen progressive roll-out and application of China’s mud purification system in different drillings, leapfrog development/great strides in manufacture techniques and theoretical researches, especially the latter one extending to shale shaker’s structural principle, desilter’s structural principle, etc, which have gone near to or reached the world’s frontier, but still some distance to parallel the other countries in performance and lifespan. The common set in China referring to double shale shaker and a single desander rarely with another desilter, produced less than ideal and under-exploited mud performance, reduced efficiency and wasted the mud. Then desilter was gradually developed.

Other Countries’ Desilter Performance
It is well represented by U.S. Baroid, Brandt, Swaco and so on because of their first-tier quality, function and higher standardization, serialization as well as customization. Their latest upgrading transformations in the design are mainly reflected on the driving mode of fine-mesh high-frequency shale shaker, tensioning mode of screens, cross-section shape of cyclone’s inlet passage, materials for upper, lower cones and lining, etc, and have been widely applied for better purification and stabler performance.
At present, it is essential to equip every deep-water mud purification system with desilter and it is imminent to conduct more R&Ds of the vital part face with year-on-year increase of drilling rigs in China.

KOSUN can manufacture types of drilling fluid solids control systems according to the requirements of different drilling conditions. KOSUN is well-know as a professional manufacturer and supplier of oil drilling solids control equipment in China. After 20 years development,KOSUN is becoming more and more stronger,can provide more efficient equipments at the same time, the products including shale shaker, shale shaker screen, desander, desilter, vacuum degasser, centrifugal pump, submersible slurry pump, shear pump,mud agitator, mud gun, cuttings dryer ,drilling fluid mud cleaner, decanter centrifuge, jet mud mixer, mud tank, diesel tank, water tank, complete solids control system,etc.