These years Sports Council fifa 15 coins into has "Gold Council", from Olympic gold to Asia shipped to full shipped, from General to place Sports Council was gold pressure of asthma but gas to, many has conscience of industry persons also on this early has reform of recommends, calls for put low gold indicators pressure, put main of funds, and energy inputs universal fitness, change Sports Council regardless of sports just gold, Sports Council into gold line of status should get change 7, modern sports origin Yu Western, China first of modern sports is church with came in of, Regardless of Western missionaries when of purposes how, reality is they brings has youth will, and church school, and and first of sports venues, brings has basketball, and football, and track and field, and swimming, and boxing, and Softball Baseball, modern movement way, Western education in put sports as indivisible of part, early of Tsinghua left beauty prepared class for China training has a large number of science education culture top talent, the school has a article hard provides: not learned swimming on cannot to United States study, Tsinghua School built has Beijing first of stadium, and Swimming football pitches. China's traditional sports culture is martial arts, and health, the stadium is not required, only escaped the war have played soldiers, used as a horseback archery competition. Monk in the mountains for thousands of years in China, grounding, Alchemy drug cultivation, Shaolin monks is just in front of the temple and the temple gym.