they were very pleased to see that Chinese juvenile

cheap fifa coins 5 than 2, when many meaning for Ma Jing to score a goal, on the outcome of the game did not produce too big effect. But Atletico fans meet up, they were very pleased to see that Chinese juvenile his team in unfavorable situation, less people, but also the ability to rely on personal goal against Real Madrid, that before too long, he will become a truly belongs to the new golden boy of their "Xu Yi, you play well!" After the game Zhang Dabao threw the first time found Xu Yi "Hei hei! Brother, don't say so, I will be proud oh!" Xu Yi and resumed his usual that cynicism appearance, but he knew their ability compared with Zhang Dabao and the huge gap between "oh! You don't be proud, want to ah!" Zhang Dabao cannot hear his this joke, care "Hey also very nervous! Rest assured! My brother-in-law, ah ah ah......" Many Italian words just say that finish, followed let out a scream, the original river ice has walked in, wanted to congratulate his cousin, who knows this guy talking nonsense "Xu, don't you want to live?" River ice clench his ear "ah! Old elder sister, quickly let go, so many people looking at it!" Xu Yi thought today just coquettish a, it was all over, tomorrow if newspaper, estimation also use is now tugging ears this picture. "I this. Ah!".