Jaw Crusher is indispensable in mines

mine resource exploitation is essential now as we all know, per machine in industrial production are inseparable from the routine maintenance work, regular maintenance will not only timely troubleshooting, you can also avoid aging of parts and short times. For experienced operators, scheduled maintenance for Jaw Crusher prolong about two to three years. Let me more details about the Jaw Crusher, regular maintenance and service life of the relationship.
Jaw Crusher, also known as broken jaw, jaw and the jaw two jaw crushing Chamber to simulate animals two Jaw Crusher of sport complete material crushing jobs. hj series jaw crusher Widely used in mining, metallurgical, building material, highway, railway, water conservancy and chemical industries in the medium-granularity break of various ores and large blocks. The highest compressive strength was crushing material is 320Mpa. In routine maintenance work, to form a correct judgment jaw broken equipment, accurately analyze the causes, to quickly take a clear approach, which is held by skilled personnel should be aware of and.
we should also understand that excessively rapid wear of
pew jaw crusher parts , and even rupture,are often due to incorrect handling and poor maintenance caused by, for example, lubrication will be sharply accelerated bearing wear. Therefore, correct operation and careful maintenance (preventive maintenance) is to extend the service life of the machine and an important way of increasing equipment operation rate.
Jaw Crusher used in the operation, you must pay attention to regular maintenance and periodic inspection. Because the ore-breaking plant, Jaw Crusher working conditions are very poor, equipment wear and tear is inevitable. After the device is worn, and maintenance and repair must be carried out in order to extend the service life of the equipment.
use as long as the maintenance, inspection, equipment parts the wear cycle, will be able to identify device parts defect early, timely repair, replacement, so that the device not reach scrapped a level cannot be repaired. Therefore, the device repaired in a timely manner is an important part of ensuring normal production.