These FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Coins make the game faster

These FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Coins make the game much faster, since there is no time to think, as it happens in the world championships. Also note the shots, much more unpredictable than in the recent past, which further increases the difficulty of matches. For this, and we repeat, as in football today, the set-pieces take on a growing importance, while any mistake is penalized, as indeed the lawns scattered throughout the world (ok, finish style comments here Luís Freitas Lobo). in the past, also in "FIFA 15" have endless gameplay modes, both offline and in online. However, with less news than expected. Already have more visual level a step forward, with a realism that leaves no one indifferent. The truth is that every year we think we got to the limit, but this is always exceeded in new delivery, especially if the game is enjoyed in a Next-Gen console. It is truly amazing the game details (hair, sweaters, the lighting of stadiums, etc.). It is notorious verify the concern that EA Sports had to increase that surrounds the entire game, both on and off the field, a position that should always be applauded (I'm clapping right now!).

In summary, the unpredictability is the word that governs the title this year. 'FIFA 15' is definitely much more "natural", less virtual. The game is approaching more and more of what we see in our stadiums and televisions (I think the ghost of Luis Freitas Lobo haunts me ...). There was a clear approach to the real world, something always essential in this type of games. It seems impossible, but "FIFA 15" is really a step forward in this franchise that has the gift to surprise annually lovers most practiced sport in the world.