Lucky Clover Necklaces

The Lucky Clover Necklaces which can give you the chance to win rare prizes and XP are here available in Treasure Hunter this week. From 01:00 BST on July 4 to 00:59 BST July 15, unlock a Treasure Hunter chest to win the Lucky Clover Necklaces -- Runescape 2007 Gold

You can get two types of necklaces, the Shiny Lucky Clover Necklace and the Sparkling Lucky Clover Necklaces, each made from either a two-leaf, three-leaf or four-leaf. Wearing either necklace can give you a bonus to XP gain: 1%, 2% or 3% depending on how many leaves they have.FIFA 14 Coins

The necklace, for every 10 minutes of skilling or combat, gives you a chance to win a prize. 2.5%, 10% or 25% for the two, three and four-leaf varieties respectively. If you don’t win a prize, you will get a small cash bag. Once you get a prize or a small cash bag, one of the necklace’s 10 charges is expended. When these are up, the necklace no longer give XP or prize.

The necklaces can not be recharged. They continue to work for as long as they have charges remaining, no time limit.

What can you get from these necklaces? All six varieties of necklaces share a main drop table which includes magic notepaper, Silverhawk feathers, a rare chance to win 10 millions coins and more.

The shiny and sparkling ones have their own rare drops as well, which could be yours if you’re extra lucky.

The shiny ones can give you some amazing rare prizes, including S’quirks the Parrot, huge prismatic stars, lucky divine spirit shields and lucky Saradomin Godswords, but only from 1:00 BST July 4 to 00:59 BST July 10.

The sparkling ones give you their own awesome rare loot, including Silverhawk boots, lucky Armadyl armor, skully, and the serpentine two-handed crossbow from 1:00 BST July 10 to 00:59 BST July 15.

Nothing more, but everyone knows that every player gets at least one key per day and Runescape members get two. FIFA 14 PS3 Coins Earning and buying the keys in the game also. Try the necklaces on right now.