Players using tactical defending quickly come unstuck when they hammer the tackle button and drag defenders out of position. On most systems, the aforementioned button that allows you to push into your opponent has an additional function. If you hit that button when you have an opportunity to grab the ball or poke it away, your player will attempt to do so. Anticipate when the ball will be within your reach so that you can try this technique at the right time. FIFA 14 PS4 Coins
You must be absolutely confident your player can win a tackle, because if you miss your opponent will be five yards ahead before your defender can even move again.
Standing tackle - if your player is in front of the opponent player, pressing the "Push or Pull" button will execute a standing tackle. Standing tackle is quite effective. If you are able to get the timing right, you will need to practice a lot to perfect the standing tackle. However, if you missed the standing tackle, always prepare to select another defender to cover any gaps.
Slide tackles - performed by pressing X on Xbox 360 or Square on PlayStation 3. Because of the improvements on FIFA 13, slide tackles have become a much more prominent defensive tool, and is actually your tackling option of choice in some situations. Time your slide tackle with your opponent's touches. Time your slide so that you will touch the ball just before or as it touches your opponent's foot.
How and when to tackle - go for a tackle as soon as your opponents foot touches the ball and it leaving their foot. They will have least control of it. Use the shoot button tackle if a gap between you or normal tackle button if really close. Try not to press the shoot button tackle around your area. If you miss, they will likely have a clean shot. Try to jockey more around the area as above in containing section.
Carefully using the tackle button - if you feel you have the read of your opponent then by all means give it a go. If you are containing or jockeying and your player gets close enough then they will automatically stick out a leg to try to take the ball. If you miss the tackle then the attacker sprints off while your player continues with his tackling animation.
Tackle the appropriate way according to the situation. Press the B button close to an opponent to perform a standing tackle. Only press the button when you are close to an attacker and when you are sure you are going to get a foot on the ball. FIFA 14 COINS PS4 Never tackle from behind or you risk having a player sent off. Don't use push/pull too much as you are effectively fooling your opponent!
This article describes tackling techniques in FIFA 13. Utilize the techniques properly will allow you to get FIFA coins and win the game!