HELLO Germany and FIFA 14

How are you regularly choose Germany at the time of starting a part of FIFA 14? Certainly not much. Probably the remains of a grudge towards training with too much hurts the France football.FIFA XBOX 360 COINS

Remember including the semi-final dramatic Seville 1982 and the attack on the hated Harald Schumacher on Patrick Battiston discrete (3-3, 5 tab 4). Remember then this failed however Guadalajara 1986 (2-0). Nearly thirty years later, it still stings. However, since these two infamous matches, Rhine water has flowed under the bridges. The point of view of Franco-German rivalry slowly extinguished.

But we would like tonight eliminate our cousins. Fut Coins To finally be able to press "ok" when choosing Germany in FIFA 14. Clear conscience and a light heart. Without embarrassment.