buy fifa 14 coins:Fashion flip flops Havaianas launch World Cup team series

Fashion flip flops Havaianas launch World Cup team series

Editor's Note: Havaianas (Havana) is Brazil famous brand of slippers, in Brazil the Slipper market occupies absolute dominance, extremely popular. The company in the Brazil market launch slogan Havaianas means Havaianas,tudomundousa! that is all used, can be seen. Due to many Hollywood stars, also frequents this brand, so there are many loyal users all over the world. In the summer you can wear for football fever special offer the NBA flops and support your favorite team!

Brazil favorite bright colors, advocating free personality. In Rio de Janeiro streets everywhere, dressed in a colorful and diverse styles of bikini or short people,buy fifa 14 coins but in their feet, almost stepping on a pair with "Havaianas (Havana) the words" flip-flops. In the Sun every day of Brazil, suit and shoes match is rare, but is lightweight slippers, beach, coffee shop, or even in the Office, has become a mainstream equipment 2014 FIFA World Cup will be a hot war, this world class sporting event would bring together teams from 32 countries together to battle, fans from all over the world are looking forward to. Response this field each four years a times of football event, Havaianas for World Cup cheers, Grand launched team series people Word drag, hereby to States entries team tribute, while also will these people Word drag dedicated to all hardcore fans, let everyone show out by love, full support himself most love of team April 2014 up, you will can in each big Havaianas shop, and counters and the online store purchased to team series people Word drag. NBA neutral into the 11 national flags designed styles, sizes range from EUR35/36 to EUR45/46, and retailed for CNY288. Havaianas flip flops every World Cup series of pinches on the laces, also has a national flag that corresponds to the mini ornament.