FIFA 15 EA Sports MUST Make Improvements Reinstate Tournament Mode

In the next gen version of FIFA 14, a glaring omission is that of the classic Tournament Mode, which was a huge loss that only further isolated the large segment of FIFA players who don’t like the online modes.FIFA 14 Xbox 360 Coins

As it stands, outside of Career Mode, there are basically no real single player modes of note in the game, which understandably is a big disappointment. Players may have found themselves basically choosing to turn off the game when they want a different experience to management, which is clearly not ideal for EA Sports or for the longevity of the game, and it also effectively renders the inclusion of international teams in the game pointless. Because outside of Tournament Mode, there were no single player options to play as your country, other than friendlies, which quickly lose their appeal.

So why was Tournament Mode discounted? EA claimed that it was removed because it wasn’t popular enough, but judging by the backlash from fans, this could not be further form the truth. A much more likely reason to exclude the feature is purely based on business: 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil is in development by EA Sports and is planned for release in April 2014, and it is using the FIFA 14 engine with updated rosters and kits, and it’s no surprise that the features that are missing in the next-gen versions of FIFA 14 will be biggest selling point of the next-gen World Cup game. The good news is that this means we most likely see Tournament Mode brought back for FIFA 15. read more: Cheap FIFA 14 Coins