On a meta-leve Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the medals

On a meta-leve Fifa 14 Ultimate Team Coins the medals are my ironic take on gamificationand external motivators: Jesse Schell, in his famous talk about gamification or "gamepocalypse" wasenvisioning a world in which you get points for brushing yourteeth; here you have shaving and similarly trivial stuff,accompshments that are appropriate for the pathetic suburban heroyou are impersonating.

There is a conversation thread that you may or may not encounterthat reveals that the protagonist and the blue-haired girl are AirForce pilots working for the CIA. Awards and decorations forclassified operations can't really be acknowledged in pubc (inslang, CIA medals are called "jock strap medals") so the twocharacters joke about "making up their own medals," thus reveangthat the medals are diegetic. In my mind they represent theambitions and the moral compass of the protagonist but not the"right" way to play the game.