That would be like another company copying runescape 90%

See, there is a world of difference between implementing a popular gamestyle to add a new depth to something rs 3 questshelp(and no one should be denying they outright copied Pokémon) versus someone literally taking an app, slapping different graphics on it, adding in their own ads, and listing it under a slightly different name.

That would be like another company copying runescape 90%, then releasing the game named "World of BattleCraft."

Now, times that by hundreds, and that's what it's like.

Both app stores should monitor their apps better. It's just trashy how many blatant copyright-breaking games there are. Think Candy Crush. I dislike the game and the company very much, and I think they deserve as much shit as they get, but there is probably no less than 15 clones of the game on the markets (which the original game was a clone of Bejeweled, with the gems turned to candy.)

Thing is, the Warcraft magazine never sought to cover the latest, ground-breaking information about the game, meaning that your "progress" based rationale is way off base.

Rather, the runescape Mag focused on human interest type of topics often found here on WI: the life behind a cosplayer or a day in the life of a Warcraft graphic artist type of thing.

It was quite handsome and obviously QUITE expensive to produce. It started off as a quarterly to test the waters and to measure player interest in subscribing to such a thing. Obviously, the customer base was not big enough to carry on.

It's a shame, really. The magazine wasn't vital to the runescape experience but it was quite nice when it showed up in the post. Amazing, high-quality art reproductions!You can know more from