My absolute least favorite expansion

My absolute least favorite expansion, not only in RS 3 Gold, but in all of RS history (and I lived through Age of Shadows launch on Ultima Online) was Mists of Pandaria. This current expansion could not have been worse, period. Blizzard took every single little detail they improved and perfected in Cataclysm and put it in the toilet, they didn't miss anything. I was subscribed every second of Cata. I've unsubbed from WoW twice in MoP from frustrations with the ridiculously bad game design. I don't know if I can trust Blizz through another expansion and I already plan to move on after all these years to Everquest Next when it launches. I'll go over a few of the main reasons for my hatred of MoP.

Let's start with the rape of the dungeon currencies. Justice was never put to use. All you could buy with it was complete garbage gear that was well below the heroic 5 man gear. There was never anything besides the garbage justice gear to buy. This was a pointless and frustrating change. The justice gear should have been just as good as heroic dungeon gear and there should have been other things to do with it like vanity items or trade materials. When they finally put justice to use in 5.4 by letting you buy 489s with it, they also released completely free 496 items that anyone could endlessly get for any class and spec for every slot except weapons, the tokens on timeless isle. Justice has been ignored the whole expansion and they would have been just as well off deleting it from the game.

And don't even get me started on valor. Valor at launch was a nightmare. Everything you could do with it was behind some insanely long rep grind, and it wasn't even one faction, it was a ton of different factions. So you could earn valor, but without putting in 20 hours a week slogging though 40 quests a day you couldn't spend your valor at all. The Blizz propaganda team came out with, don't like rep walls? don't use your damn valor then, just get your gear in raid. Yea, that's a great attitude, Blizz. The rep walls for valor gear had no reason to exist, at all. It was a bad mechanic and should have been and could have been resolved on launch week, not months down the road. And that isn't even my biggest complaint about the rape of valor. I also greatly missed tradeable valor gear. It was a wonderful source of income for raiders who disliked farming, a wonderful source of gear for farmers who disliked raids and dungeons, and in general helped build a strong economy with lots of exchange between different types of players.

So now instead of the beautiful and functional simplicity of Valor in it's Cata form, we have this convoluted mess of fixes to fix fixes of fixes that the redesigned and broken MoP valor system is.You can know more from