Most of Runescape fans start following the game news earlier in May

Most of Runescape fans start following the game news earlier in May. The producer Square Enix just made the installer for the upcoming open beta test of Runescape: A Realm Reborn available for download. You can start downloading the package before the open beta starts on August the 17th for everyone and August the 16th for those that took part in the closed beta. You can know more from

In this version, you can stock enough Runescape Gold for your future playing. The download of the installer weights 107 megabytes, but you’ll need 20 gigabytes free on your hard disk for the full installation (on August the 15th), plus two gigabytes in your my documents folder and one in the drive containing your Windows installation. After install it, you can start playing and farm ffxiv gil.

Unfortunately, while the installer can be downloaded and the launcher can be updated, the full client will be in “maintenance mode” until August the 15th, preventing you to actually update it.

That’s a pity, since making the full client available would have saved a lot of time to those with a slower connection, but most probably they decided to handle it this way to avoid granting full access to the game’s assets to the usual industrious data miners. It’s important to mention that those that took part to the closed beta will have to uninstall the closed beta client and install the new one, as the old one won’t work.

In the future, if you want to Buy Runescape Gold or ffxiv powerleveling service to level up your character quickly, you can get it on our website.