Beau Flynn

Consecutive DUI, smuggling, weapons, and cocaine accuse added to the intrigue Madden 17 Coins. The bribery surrounding Eriksson's blast and consecutive balloon were anxiously abundant in announcer Randall Sullivan's October 2006 Wired commodity "Gizmondo's Amazing Crack-up." Today, the Hollywood Reporter letters that that aforementioned commodity will anon become a affection film, accepting been optioned by Absolute Spirit Award-nominated writer-producer Craig Zobel (Great Apple of Sound).

The blur will aswell blow on Eriksson's mistrial, three-year bastille term, 2008 deportation, and rearrest in Sweden endure ages on suspicion of extortion, theft, and assault. "He just keeps giving," deadpanned Beau Flynn, who will aftermath the blur with business accomplice Tripp Vinson beneath their Contrafilm label NFL 17 Coins. The assembly abode is aswell currently alive on the accommodate of Red Dawn and the Anna Faris brawl What's Your Number? "Craig's faculty of accent is what absolutely blew me away," Flynn told the Reporter.