Chat began NHL 16 Coins trickling out

Chat began NHL 16 Coins trickling out over Twitter endure ceremony that Disney willbe acutely redefining the accompaniment of the StarWars lore, eliminating the angled mainline/EU arrangement and inits abode amalgam a alone official canon. All things that arepart of the assize are "real," as far as StarWars is concerned; all things not in the assize are "notreal." This eliminates the quasi-real EU coffer -- traveling forward,things will either abide officially, or not at all.

Lucasfilm agent Leland Chee, who currently maintainsthe internalLucasfilm database that beforehand the altered elements ofthe canon, will be one of the association authoritative this decision. He tweeted that "Star Wars Assize is now determinedby the Lucasfilm Adventure Group," which he and adolescent Lucasfilmemployee Pablo Hidalgo are allotment of. If asked accurately whetherthe group's appetite was to annihilate the mainline/EU assize arrangementand its tiers of official-ness, Chee responded with a complete yes. "More so than ever,"he said, "the assize acreage will serve us internally artlessly forclassification rather than ambience hierarchy."