Aion Elyos Leveling Guide - Grinding Vs vipaionkinah Questing

I've been working with an Aion Elyos leveling guide since the first step I took in the fantasy universe of Aion: Tower of Eternity because I was well informed about the difficulties players have in leveling up their characters. I've also noticed that players divide in about two categories when it comes to leveling a character.

Not just in Aion but basically in all the MMO games, grinding is a pretty boring way to XP a toon. I've never been a great fan of repeating the same combos and movements hundreds of times for XP, and in this game mobs put up quite some resilience when attacked.

You don't 1-shot a mob just like in other games, and AoE grinding here will probably get you killed every 2-3 pulls. But in this game, after passing level 35 the quests aren't that numerous to level up just by completing them, so each level will have its share of grinding. However , the Aion Elyos leveling guide I've been using has helped me to spec, gear up and buff my toons to pass through the grinding phases quickly. Important to know here, for a grinding session to go smoothly, it's best to choose mobs that are weak to your type of damage.