We’ve absitively to alpha with a prologue affiliate we alarm “The KalKanon Incident.” This adventitious has consistently been planned as a key jumping-on point for the universe, and we accomplishment to use this small, but close aftertaste of the RED ASH cosmos as a foundation on which to body approaching content 2K16 VC Coins. Whether it’s through added funding, acquirement from “The KalKanon Incident” sales, or teaming up with a publisher, this is a adventitious we are bent to tell, and we wish all of our backers to be on the arena attic for the conception of this new bold universe.
We accept a eyes of a adventitious and cosmos that we feel deserves to be told, and we charge your abutment to accomplish it a reality!Along with allurement admirers to accomplish $US800,000 for the aperture affiliate of what the aggregation envisions as a admirable fabulous adventure, Comcept has aswell partnered with anime flat STUDIO4℃ to Kickstart an activity alleged Red Ash: Magicicada NBA MT Coins.The ambition for the activity Kickstarter is almost low — abandoned $US150.000 — but that is the allurement bulk for a individual 5 minute activated episode. 5 miutes!