Concrete Batching Operations Policy Manual

Concrete batching operations involve the processing of concrete and the handling of concrete components. Concrete is a mixture of sand, aggregate, portland cement, and water. Sand and aggregate add strength and cement acts as a binding agent in the mixture. A cement supplement, such as potash, may replace a portion of the cement to influence the mixture’s properties such as its permeability or strength. The concrete formula may vary depending upon the engineering specifications, its specific application, and the weather. Various types of equipment used in concrete batching operations can include hoppers, silos, conveyors, pumps, storage bins, front end loaders, trucks, engines, motors, generators, and boilers/water heaters. Cement production is a separate operation
and is not covered by this manual.
There are 2 general methods of producing concrete: Wet-batching and dry batching. Wet-batching is a process whereby concrete is mixed at the plant and is then transported to a job site where it’s poured. The concrete may also be mixed and poured into molds on-site to create pre-formed products such as concrete pipes, slabs, and beams. Drybatching is a process whereby concrete components are loaded into a truck mounted mixer and then subsequently mixed by the truck enroute to a job site where it is poured. An alternate form of dry-batching is the loading of concrete components into separate bins on a truck where the components remaining unmixed until they are offloaded at the job
1. Application Requirements
Any cement batching operation which would emit any pollutant, without the benefit of an air pollution control device, greater than or equal to 2 pounds in any 24 hours period.
2. Exemption
Equipment registered under the Portable Equipment Registration Program with CARB that is not operated at a permitted stationary source.
3. Data Forms
The following forms must be completed and submitted by the applicant when applying for an Authority to Construct and/or Permit to Operate for any concrete batching equipment. (These forms are used by the District to characterize the process, size, flow rates, abatement devices, and emission points of the system):
XI -3
Form G100: Application for Authority to Construct and/or Permit to Operate
Form G101: General Information Form
Form CP100 Concrete Batch Plant
Form BA100: Baghouse (if applicable)
Form B100: Boilers and Heaters (if applicable)
Form ICE100 I.C. Engines (if applicable)
Form HRA 100: Health Risk Assessment Information
Note: A separate Authority to Construct and Form G100 is required for an APC baghouse if the baghouse is served by a dedicated motor/blower; for a boiler if fired on liquid fuel or if the fuel input rating is at least 1.0 mmbtu/hour for
gaseous fuel; or for an I.C. engine rated more than 50 hp.
4. Additional Information
a) Site plan and plot plan, with dimensions, showing location of equipment.
b) If required because of an initial health risk screening, submit a risk reduction strategy. Information needed to evaluate the proposed risk reduction measure(s) shall include, but are not limited to, equipment layout with dimensions and location of process equipment; specification of the ventilation system (type of ventilation, rated air flow rate, exhaust stack diameter and stack height), and location of exhaust stacks.
An application is deemed complete with the submittal of the following information:
1. Completed application Forms G100, G101, CP100, BA100 (if applicable,) B100 (if applicable,) ICE100 (if applicable) and HRA 100 with the original signature of the owner/proprietor or responsible officer of the company.
2. Applicable permit fee in accordance with Section D - Fees.
3. Any additional information that may be requested in order to perform a health risk assessment.
1. New concrete batch processes: Every applicant for an Authority to Construct a new concrete batch process shall pay at least one half of the initial permit fee specified in Rule 301, Section 308 upon filing the application. Prior to issuance of a Permit to Operate, the applicant shall pay the remaining unpaid portion of the initial permit fee, if applicable. The permit fee for any concrete batch process will be based on Schedule 1 [Rule 301, Section 308.2] where the rating is dependent on the cumulative total rated electrical horsepower of all motors in the equipment.
2. Modifications of existing concrete batch processes resulting in an increase in the motor horsepower of the concrete batch plant: The fee is assessed in accordance with Schedule 1 (Rule 301, Section 308.2) based on the incremental increase in motor horsepower (Rule 301, Section 306.1.)
3. Modifications of existing concrete batch processes that do not affect the motor horsepower rating: When an application is filed for a revision of conditions on a Permit to Operate or any alteration or addition but no increase or change is made to
XI -4 the cumulative motor horsepower rating of the concrete plant, the applicant shall pay
a permit fee based on Rule 301, Section 306.2.
4. Change of location or ownership of existing concrete batch processes: When an application is filed for a permit because the equipment has been moved to a new location or ownership has been transferred from one person to another, the applicant
shall pay a permit fee equivalent to the permit renewal fee specified in Rule 301, Section 303.
5. APC baghouses, IC engines, and boilers/heaters: When a concrete batch process is permitted with an APC baghouse with a dedicated motor/blower, an IC engine over 50 hp, or a boiler with a fuel input rating of at least 1.0 mmbtu/hr or any boiler fired on liquid or solid fuel, a separate application for an Authority to Construct is required for each of these types of equipment.
a) For an APC baghouse, the applicant shall pay at least one half of the initial permit fee specified in Rule 301, Section 308 upon filing the application. Prior to issuance of a Permit to Operate, the applicant shall pay the remaining unpaid
portion of the initial permit fee, if applicable. The permit fee for any APC baghouse will be based on Schedule 1 [Rule 301, Section 308.2] where the rating is dependent on the cumulative total rated horsepower of all motors in the
b) For an IC engine, consult the SMAQMD Stationary Internal Combustion Engine Policy Manual for further information.
c) For a boiler/heater, consult the SMAQMD Boiler Policy Manual for further information.
6. Equipment Installed Without an Authority to Construct: Per Section 302.1 of Rule 301, any person installing/operating regulated equipment without obtaining a permit from the SMAQMD will be required to pay permit renewal back fees for each year of unpermitted operation to a maximum of 3 years in addition to the initial permit fee.
Haomei machinery equipment co.,ltd. is located in the famous machinery capital of Zhengzhou, China. We are professional machinery products manufacturer-featuring a wide range of quality concrete batching plant, mobile concrete batching plant, concrete pump, concrete mixer trucks, block machine and asphalt mixing plant etc.
Haomei machinery equipment CO., LTD.
Name: ANN MA
Office Add: No.14 Waihuan Road, New district, Zhengzhou, China
Tel: +86-371-65621392