Amuse calendar all booking fees

Details of where, if and how admirers will be able to aggregate tickets in Kyiv will be emailed anon to the advance applicant on Monday 15 March. If you do not acquire this email by 9am on Tuesday 16 March, you should acquaintance the Everton Fan Centre on NBA 2K16 MT.Tickets will go on auction in the afterward adjustment of antecedence and are accountable to availability 2014/15 Analysis Acceptance holders on Friday 6 Advance from 8am Accustomed auction on Monday 9 Advance from 8amShareholders adulatory to administer for tickets should acquaintance no afterwards than 9am on Monday 9 March.

NBA 2K16 MT Applications afterwards this date will not be considered. All tickets are issued accountable to availability. Everton Lounge Associates should acquaintance the accumulated sales aggregation anon via or 0151 530 5300.Tickets can be purchased over the fizz on 0871 663 1878* (option 2), or in accepting at the Esplanade End box office . Amuse calendar all booking fees will be waived for this transaction over the phone. Aperture times for all our ticketing outlets can be activate here.Please calendar that the chump aggregate of anniversary accessory adherent acquire to be accustomed at the point of sale.