More advice on Grand Theft Auto 5 has been revealed, address of this week's affair of Shortlist.According to the magazine, GTA 5's advocate is an "East Coast gangster" who has confused to Los Santos "for a beginning start" NBA 2K16 MT."But, as in The Godfather Part III," the annual continues, "just as he anticipation he was out, they pulled him aback in."Alongside the new details, Shortlist appear a cast new GTA 5 screenshot, which you can bolt at the top of the page.
The appearance featured in the awning seems to be identical to the one featured in a antecedent GTA 5 screenshot, and afresh arise artwork NBA MT Coins.Rockstar has yet to affirm whether or not he is GTA 5's advance character.Loads added advice on GTA 5, including added screenshots, will be arise by Bold Informer afterwards today.The bold is set to absolution during bounce 2013 on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.