While my daily play time was limited to an hour a day, I can recall my mood improving. I was enjoying my escape from Blade And Soul Gold reality. Before long, household tournaments for Centipede and Missile Command began, followed by a sudden increase in my social interaction with the neighborhood. Friendships were formed over, yes, video Blade And Soul games and Magic: the Gathering. Before long, my five year-old nightmare situations were a thing of the past.Using video Blade And Soul games as an escape from the horrors of reality, however, would remain a very important part of my life.I’d like to think that everyone has those moments where they just can’t take life anymore. They’ve had enough and would be perfectly okay with completely disappearing. The debt is simply too much, the job is too stressful, the lack of a social life is unbearable. Everyone has their Cheap Blade And Soul Gold own way of dealing with these episodes, such as drugs, sex, or alcohol. For me, it’s video Blade And Soul games.