Participating players can aswell acquire

Abstracts on circadian targets and 2K16 MT Coins association goals will be accessible on the Borderlands 2 website."Claptrap serves as the adept of ceremonies for this admirable Boodle Hunt, but anniversary anniversary a new affable face from Borderlands 2 will bowl out circadian targets that boodle hunters can yield down to admission themselves into the sweepstakes," Gearbox Software admiral Randy Pitchford said in a columnist statement.One basement hunter will win the admirable bulk of $50,000 at the end of the month, while anniversary anniversary will activity a abate banknote prize.

Participating players can aswell acquire a bulk of appurtenances including a PlayStation Vita forth with the handheld adjustment of Borderlands 2, customized Borderlands 2-themed Turtle Beach gaming headsets, an Nvidia Shield with PC alive setup, Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 Ti GFX cards, the Borderlands 2 Bold of the Year Edition activity adviser and "lifetime supplies" of all 2K titles accessible on Beef — including all abutting releases. Arrest circadian targets will aswell aftereffect in boodle drops of altered items "100 percent of the time," according to Pitchford.Only looters in the U.S. are acceptable to accept the banknote and sponsored prizes, but all players accepted will be able to account in-game loot.Borderlands 2 Bold of the Year Edition will barrage on Oct. 8. The PS Vita version, arise during Sony's Gamescom columnist conference, will barrage at a afterwards date.