Yiwu is the only intercontinental trade comprehensive change pilot city

Yiwu is the only intercontinental trade comprehensive change pilot city, and also the first national home trade circulation technique to carry out regional progress integrated pilot. Nowadays, Yiwu Market Power depth implementation associated with standardization strategy, further more boosting the reforms undertaken.

Yiwu authorities actively guide companies to develop international along with domestic standards revising work, the right to speak with master the standards. August 6, at the Intercontinental Organization for Standardization Technical Committee intended for Standardization Plastics Convention Center in Brand-new Delhi, Yiwu City India sixty fourth Annual Meeting, provided by the two-child Yiwu Commodity Co., Limited. filed adopted for the reason that core content regarding ISO international normal "polypropylene drinking straws Specification "After numerous rounds of assessment and discussion for quite a while, formed a final draw up international standard, after the vote by the Representative States, will be supposed to formally approve, submit, published as an ISO international standards; encourage Zhejiang Shin Necklaces Co., Ltd. and also other enterprises dominate or even participated in a few national standards in addition to revision, promote entity in Zhejiang Grinding Weaving Co., Limited. and other leading or perhaps participated in tough luck industry standards.

Forms in emerging niche categories, through the development of community standards specific demands specification "electricity provider model service specifications" clearly electricity dealer service models of companies, service processes, assistance results, as well as the electrical power supplier model need to possess professional life values, service etiquette, Yiwu market knowledge, knowledge and expertise, in order to improve the electrical energy business model of professional grade to provide a method as well as basis for, get a grip on the electricity feature service market, typically the formation of a balanced and orderly progress the industry environment.